French Animation Film Festival - Little Nicholas

 312 Main Street, Globe Theatre Palmerston North, Manawatu-Wanganui 312 Main Street, Globe Theatre Palmerston North, Manawatu-Wanganui
Date(s) de l'événement
4 octobre 2023 - 18:00

  • Durée:
  • 1h26min
  • Age:
  • All ages
  • Tarif plein:
  • $10

Alliance Française Palmerston North presents the French Animation Film Festival: a series of screenings for children, at Globe Theatre! Little Nicholas, an hilarious and heartwarming comedy portraying at the same time the adventures of Little Nicholas and his friends in Paris and the story of René Goscinny and Jean-Jacques Sempé, the famous French cartoonists and creators of the character, will be screened on Wednesday 4 October at 1.30 pm and 6 pm at Globe Theatre, 312 Main Street, Palmerston North. Ticket: $10. Screening in French with English subtitles.

4 Octobre 2023 4 Octobre 2023 French Animation Film Festival - Little Nicholas

Nos coordonnées

18 passage du chantier, escalier B
75012 Paris - France
+33 (0)9 72 31 09 44 / fete[at]